Geoffrey Cox, Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon, is convening a meeting of relevant statutory authorities on Friday, 2 August, to discuss both disabled access onto the beach at Westward Ho! and the long-term coastal management plan for the area.
At the meeting, which will be attended by key stakeholders, including Torridge District Council, Natural England and the Environment Agency, the MP will raise concerns regarding the issues which are currently facing those living and working on this stretch of coastline, namely, flooding, access and the future impact that erosion will have on tourism in the area if it is not appropriately managed.
From helping the Council to secure Government funding for the area, to bringing together key stakeholders on a number of occasions to facilitate greater partnership working, Mr Cox has been supporting local businesses and residents in Westward Ho! for many years, to ensure that everything possible is done to protect and preserve this valuable stretch of coastline.
He said: “The meeting on Friday is one of several that I have convened over the years, to help facilitate partnership working and an open dialogue between local businesses and the main statutory authorities responsible for the protection of Westward Ho!. I understand that a long-term coastal management plan is being finalised, which will see a number of steps being taken to defend the area; including improvements to the sea wall and the construction of new defences, and I look forward to discussing this in greater detail with those involved.
“I also plan to pursue the issue of access onto the beach at Westward Ho! for wheelchair users and families with young children. I have recently made strong representations to both Torridge District Council and the Environment Agency (EA) in order to find a solution to this issue, and while I am pleased to learn that this is part of the EA’s long-term coastal management plan for the area, it is essential that temporary access is created in the short-term.”